Today we cut wood on the mountain (in a wind row) where there used to live a big forest that was over 200 years old. This forest was cut down for the money . It is such a heart break and sorrow to me that it is gone now. Do not misunderstand I am no tree hugger, but the likes of this forest will not be seen again for at least 100 years in this area, if then. It is such a mistake to cut all the trees and not care about the effect it has on everything. I have much to say, as you can guess, but this will do for now.
We have been working on clearing out the old road that I rode my pony cart on as a girl with my Grandpa. About 100 years ago, roads were in different locations and most are lost to us today. There is a network of old roads hidden in the woods and with a educated eye, one can catch glimpses of them still, while traveling our highways of today. I always wonder where they went. Best I can tell, “My” old road came up from Jackson Creek (the place) and went on over the mountain to Summey Town. There was an intersection where our pond is now, and that road went by Grandma’s and on to Piney Grove. I know my Great Grandma traveled that road to church in a wagon (I have the box she carried her cakes in for dinners on the grounds at church) . The timber crew wrecked “My” road. Les has been cutting up the laps for fire wood and today…he made it to the end of “my” road. Now we can travel it and I so hope in the spring to see the “Easter flowers” bluets blooming there. I still have much to do. I need to fix it so it will not wash out and clean it of small sticks and such…ot to mention the old barbed wire. But thanks to Les, it is passable. And now I have some peace about “My” road.