Horse Sale!!!!,

As a girl I went everywhere with my Grandma and Grandpa Delk…

My sweet Grandpa loved a sale of any kind but a Horse Sale was the best in his eyes…I was right there with him! Grandma would stay home and tell me to not allow him to purchase horses…she was sending the giddy horse crazy granddaughter into the horse candy shop or in this case sale barn! And I learned how to encourage Grandpa to purchase my choice horses as well as his. We had the same taste in horses. 

Our friends from Vanceboro, NC came up for Thanksgiving stayed in our cottage…we had a wonderful time,  great food,  many of our other deeply loved friends came as well…we had fun…and for most of the day I forgot the old times that are gone and cause me sadness…I thank God for my friends and wonderful husband!

Well…it seems that Robin was planning on going to the horse sale at Toutman, NC!  I asked if they minded if I tagged along? Seriously! 

I was in horse sale heaven! The first day of the sale was Friday after Thanksgiving and started at 4 pm … we arrived home with a mare at 2:30 AM unloaded went to bed! three hours latter up and gone! Sale started at 8 AM … a sale barn is like no other! Loud…the auctioneer chanting, the horses being ridden before you by the cowgirls and cowboys…the consideration and bidding the excitement of will the horse be yours? Of the soft neighing in the back barns the horses talking uncertainty..sawdust, cobwebs, it is a barn!  dirt, lots of dirt! this sale was in a semi open barn and our day ended for us around 8:30 PM …with a nice big paint horse gelding.

I hope he is their heart horse! 

I had forgotten how much I loved a sale! It was bliss! 

I had 3 homemade donuts and 2 hotdogs LOL! not the best but I would love the donuts anytime! 

What a memorable Thanksgiving!

I have so much to be thankful for…a comfortable home, a wonderful husband, food on the table, sheep with lambs due in December, English Shepherds (one fixing to have puppies)! wood cut, good horses, family and lovely wonderful friends, good church time and good health as does Les ! 

God is so good…



    • Amelia Brailsford on January 20, 2024 at 12:36 pm

    Beautiful memory, Kay!

    • Amelia Brailsford on January 20, 2024 at 12:42 pm

    Your Grandpa sounds as sweet as my Papa was! There is something so special about the relationship between a little girl and a grandfather who loves horses and teaches her to as well!

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