
Today I spent cleaning and redoing the whelping room for Amarillo.

I took out one half of the old carpet. Made a new bed. Cleaned the room from top to bottom. I am washing all the bedding that is still usable. I have a trip planned for the Good Will Store for more bedding. I have her potty spot fixed. Now to resupply my whelping kit. Most of the things are in my pantry but I am sure I will need to purchase some goats milk and some colostrum just to be safe!

Then I will have to prepare my bed. I usually end up sleeping out there for about a week. In the mean time she is sleeping in the house so I can tell what her normal routine is.

I have spent part of the day talking to prospective puppy homes and emails as well.  (I hardly miss my puppies . Yeah right!)  I am waiting for more up dates and photos!

I have to rework my puppy charts and borrow a scale again. (Purchased one on eBay and it did not work!) They refunded all my money!

The puppies are really moving and kicking, Amarillo has this funny look sometimes and if you lay your hand on her tummy it feels like a punching bag being punched from the inside out. Quite a lively bunch!

Tomorrow I plan on finishing my hair cut/ trim on Amarillo. I have got to clean my clippers and sharpen my scissors. I trim the britches area and tail as well as clip the tummy clean before delivery. It helps me “see” better and is easier for the dog to clean herself up after birthing. (Plus as they are being born I can help if I needed to and see what is actually going on.)

Amarillo is 56 days or 52 days. Well the excitement and anticipation is building!