Buckets And Memories!!!

This evening as I walked back from the sheep pens at feeding time with my two buckets in my hands. The sun had set low over Steep Rock Mountain. The air was cool and a slight breeze moved about making this spring evening cool. I could smell the heavy perfume of the wild roses mixed in with the sweet wonderful smell of honeysuckle . Oh so heavenly and heady a smell.  Is there anything like it? It can’t be bottled! There was a faint hint of wood smoke too in the air. I sighed deeply and drank it all in through my noise. I thought I hate to breath out for fear of loosing the sweet heavenly odors!

All of a sudden I started remembering my Grandpa and how he use to get stuck with his tractor in the terrace I had just walked over! The same spot!  I laughed out loud ! Remembering Daddy saying Pap could get stuck in a drought! He was right too!

Then my mind wandered to how Grandpa would go to the Grainery (a building he stored his wheat and corn in that he raised) and fill the special bucket he used for this purpose only and carried the wheat and corn to the horses. The bucket handle made a distinct sound when Grandpa set it down and it hit the side. I all ways knew what he was doing by that sound! How the Grainery smelled of wheat and corn . The pigeons had boxes on the front outside of it to raise in. I have all ways liked the sounds they make.

It made me laugh that deep satisfying laugh that comes from one’s soul! My but it felt good!  To think as I walked up from the sheep pens I was doing the same thing my Grandpa and his Daddy and His before him had done!  Yes indeed it does feel good!


    • marlene & dixie on May 9, 2011 at 7:20 am

    Oh how your writing can so wonderfully touch my soul and trigger thoughts of my own grandfather— my heart thanks you.

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