Les and I last week went by the fellow’s place that raised our ducks we picked up last year with the understanding that he would have more for us this year. I like the Khaki Campbells and the more up right ducks for herding purposes. They are dabbers I think, and do not want to swim so much..Ah “Land Ducks!” Anyway two weeks before we arrived for our duck pick up a nice red fox came by and helped himself to MY promised ducks!He had 50 ducks in a weeks time!

I purchased 4 at the Cow Sale Wednesday in Lexington, and lost 2 of mine a few days before to ? what ? one is missing and the other  just seemed to have died….

Craig’s List provided me with one person in the state with Khakis to sell… I came home with 8! tonight!

Boy are they wild!!!! I will have to clip wings on every one and get them dog broke fast!

Tomorrow I am headed to Bunnlevel NC to a friend’s home to pick up more mixed ducks! By tomorrow evening I should have 30 ducks! And that should be enough. I hope for the Herding in October….

I just hope they all work and move good! We will know in a few days!

Quack, Quack, Quack!!!!