Summer before last we were in the Virginia Mountains horse back riding. Dallas and The Girls were with us and I was on Texas my good paint horse.
- As we went up Homestead Road we encountered some cows that were out of the pasture. (The Forrest Service leases the fields to folk with live stock) So this Momma cow and her half grown calf were in the middle of the road. In no mood to move. My Girls made several attempts to encourage them to go back into the pasture but this ole cow and her calf were standing their ground! Now all the while Dallas was standing there sort of watching the lack of progress but not offering any kind of help.
- All of a sudden that ole cow saw Dallas and started his way. Dallas had that what? look on his face. Then she picked up her pace and Dallas looked at me as if to say what do I do? I said “run for your life!” Dallas was like what do you mean? I said “RUN!” About that time the cow was close enough to Dallas to give him the idea that he needed to get out of there! But unfortunately for Dallas not quite in time! That ole cow bumped him in his hind end! He scooted and bamb! She hit him again! By now he understood my Run for your life ! And he hauled buggy! But not before she got him 3 times! He hollered and ran!
- I told Les “we will have to go get him he will not come back” But in a few minutes here he came slowly making sure the road was clear of that ole cow!
- We laughed so much over that!
- He was not hurt but learned that cows can be quite testy!