
I love to hear Whippoorwills!  I Love their songs!

Late of the evening about dusk you will hear them way off in the distance singing….then they move closer and closer. It seems they have a route they follow. Late this evening  I was hardly able to hear them. It is 12:49 AM and they are up the hollow behind my house. I think there are 3 singing. One of them sounds like he is singing “pray for me , pray for me, pray for me!”  I don’t think I have ever heard that before!

Have you ever seen one of these nocturnal birds ? I have! They are big and ugly! With a 2 to 3 foot wing span! Yeah! Really! Their heads are sort of flat and fat looking! Like a hawk that hit a wall and shoved his beak back in to his head…and then his head  swelled up! I guess that is why they are called Night Hawks they favor a hawk in color and appearance…it is rare to see one they are elusive creatures.

At our other house they use to come to the back door step and I would go out before they arrived and sit and be real still, and then I would be able to see them from two to three feet away. I thought it was amazing!

My Grandma use to say they came to ash piles . You know where ashes from the wood stove or fireplace had been emptied. I believe that to be true. Tonight, they were close to where I emptied the ash bucket this winter! Gosh, they may even come into my garden , I put a lot of ashes in there!

What a sweet, sweet sound to go to sleep by! Pray for me, pray for me!