This afternoon as I sat with the puppies while Amarillo took a break, I watched as the puppies sniffed the air, then followed the smell and crawled towards me till they found me.
I know they can smell Amarillo, and have been sniffing her out since birth, I knew they did me as well.
I wondered if it was just me or if they would notice Montanna. She has been wanting to see the puppies ever since they arrived. So while Amarillo was searching for goodies at Momma’s house (she says she does not feed my dogs! Guess all those paper plates with spaghetti belonged to elves!)
I turned Montanna in and she went over and looked at the puppies and smelled of them. They never moved or made a sound! So after several tries and few bites of puppy food (treat for Montanna) she went back out with no response from the puppies to her.
In a few minutes I let Amarillo back in and the seemingly sleeping puppies woke up within 3 seconds of Amarillo coming into the room! They went out and after her all the while you could hear their little noses sniffing the air! All 12 of them!
I wonder if the puppies were still with Montanna because their survival instinct may have told them to be still or get eaten? Or they did not recognize her smell and slept through it all!