By the time I sit down to the computer I am so tired and sleepy I cannot stay awake. We have been working very hard!
We are getting ready for winter.
Will start fencing next week! And a shed for the sheep as they will be lambing in February! Not my choice, the girls decided they wanted to be with the ram and it was a done deal!
I have bred Abilene to Drover! Will see if it took…I had planned to take her to Texas to breed to Sheffield but sadly it was not meant to be! For now he is too old to breed to. The timing was off in the last two years each heat cycle. So I decided to breed her to Drover one more time. Their puppies have been easy, good tempered, biddable. with good herding instincts and pretty to boot! So look for puppies on or before November 17th!
The weather is cooler here at night and plumb nice!
We are preparing for the NC ES Gathering October 10, 11, 12, 13, with the main Gathering Day being Saturday the 12th! We hope you all can attend ! Look at my home page for more information and click on the blue ES Gathering information line for the Flyer. Or I will be happy to email you one.