Sheep Work…

This afternoon the dogs and I wormed sheep and docked tails on Ewe lambs.

Drover was at his best! He did nice out runs and gathers! Sorted sheep on the gates. Penned them flawlessly!  Boy he has really improved in so many ways working wise. He is my right hand and helper. Ready willing and able…and knows what and how to work with me and the sheep.

I used BOO in the pens. She is fair…Does not want to listens as well and stay where I put her. But she is handy…A nice dog…that has not had the experience Drover has. But would be just as good if she did…And I am using her more…(It is so hard when one dog is so handy to train another one!)  no real incentive!

Then there is the pup with no name a Abilene Drover pup. WOW!  I know she is my pup out of my dogs…but I got to say …I have never seen a pup her age want to work any more than she does…She is serious ! Not silly… All about helping and being right there with me. She is the kind!

I let her help in the pens…Keen and smart and fearless…At one point one of the ewes stepped on the pups foot. the pup cried out and then bit the ewe on her heel for stepping on her! (never phased the pup except to make her mad!)

The pup moved the sheep out of the pens and sat tied at the gate learning to cover the gate and stay where put…while Drover took the sheep to pasture.

I am very pleased with this pup. And with all my dogs today!

Lambs are not so happy with banded tails…soon they will forget!

I band the tail to make it fall off ..It makes the ewes cleaner with out a long tail. They can be messy when lambing if they have tails…
