We have our tree and decorations up! It all looks so pretty! Kinda makes the rest of the year look plain!
Les and I have been cutting wood….Though it is hardly weather for a wood stove (YET) …It will be…
The dogs are all doing well…And I am working with Drover on sheep…We will be getting ready to trial in 2016…
Abilene is fat and sassy…Amarillo is well but starting to show her age a bit…Montanna is still doing okay…She takes something for her soreness…Drover is fine and the best dog ever! No bias here! 🙂 KAT Ballou is grown up! and ready to start serious work…BOO is beautiful and good and smart …
Montanna’s Brother Rory passed away back in July he had a heart attack it seems…Montanna’s dam Bec passed as well recently but I do not know what from…
My cousin Terry passed last week…and I have been sad about that…I have been mourning…He used to say we were “dog kin”…:-) I went to see him several times in November and December…Praying for his family in this time of hurt and sorry…
Tomorrow is the Friendly neighborhood Group at church. That will be fun!
Off to bed now…
Blessings to all of you!
Kay and Drover
KAT Ballou
Sunset across the pond
Sorry to hear of your loss, both 2 and 4 legged…love is love as is grief. We will keep you and the Maple Grove Family in our thoughts and prayers. Kat is beautiful. God Bless and Take Care.