Simple Country Pleasures…

Sunshine on my face…that wonderful warmth just out of the wind and yet it is  truly cold outside…

That nap in the warm sunshine for 30 minutes…Oops!

The birds rustling round in the trees before dawn and then the singing! Nothing can compare, sweet and simple beauty for my ears…

The bells on the sheep as they go about their business of eating grass…That soft tinkle …then the bah of a Ewe as she calls to her lamb…And her lamb’s sweet response.

The view of the mountains from our place…

The wind softly blowing and that fresh air smell …

Good neighbors.


Horses and sheep.

Sitting at the window watching the flock and how they interact with each other.

Then English Shepherds…My good friends and fine companions  …

Oh and Spring..with her wild weather ways!

Going to church on Sunday and worshiping God…

My good husband and friend…

All Simple, all Country Pleasures.