Dogs, Sheep, Dogs, Me, Training…


An evening of training at my farm starts by a quiet walk across the dam to go to the far field and gather the sheep.  

At my side is a good dog. Smart, strong, eager to do what ever the work is!

The quiet ringing of the sheep bells in the distance gives me an idea where the sheep are. 

The earth after the rain smells clean, pure, and earthy. 

The sun is getting low in the west and the trees that are starting to loose their leaves cast tall  long shadows on the land and in the pond.

The air is crisp and clean.

The grass is peeping up all green and soft.

Ah that dog at my side feels the wonder too! And is ready to work sheep.

I send KAT or Journey or who ever is being trained on an out run she makes a fair square flank but casts  in the direction I send her. Quickly with no cross overs she completes her outrun…then lifts and fetches the sheep to me as I stand at the gate.

This is why I have a dog!


The sheep at first want to trot fast to the pen for the night. But KAT is sent to their heads  with a “Go Bye” she executes this on the dam slows the sheep to a walk and we proceed on. Again the sheep start to run…KAT steps in slows them down and we arrive at the field thru the chosen gate. (I change it so the sheep creatures of habit as are dogs ) do not become accustom to what we are doing.

We head thru the pasture driving some and fetching a bit to the gate in the arena I have picked for the night.


KAT has worked well and tomorrow Journey will have a turn! 

It is a glorious evening! 

“God is in His heaven and all is right with the world!”