Feeling Bit Sad….and Hopeful!!!

I have a friend that had to put their sweet dog Sierra  down this week…old and worn out…but my what a fine go of it she had! Even an appearance on a national early morning news station! Singing with her owner as he played a horned instrument!  

I must say I had the first private audience with Sierra and Cody many years ago they serenaded me in the sheep field! My it was fine ! 

Then there is my friend with a sassy, beautiful cattle dog…again very old 18 years and just worn out.  

She too has had a wonderful life …first my friend is a fabulous owner…and took such good care of her all of her life! Living by the sea, being round the horses, working stock, nose work and in general being in charge of the household! 

I am praying for my friends. You know you see this almost daily and think oh no, as you scroll thru FB…but when it is a dog you know and love and their people it becomes very real…

I know that my friends will be fine without a doubt! But the time in-between  is difficult…