
I forget to move my ewes and lambs from behind the dam to the field in front of our home…once in a while.

I also have to move the worked sheep to their nighttime  pasture first.

Well this evening I was heading to bed and it was like 11 :30 PM…I had cooked a pound cake and worked in my flowers had an all day lesson and cleaned the kitchen…NO excuses! I checked on the field in front of the house…NO SHEEP!  Oh   no! 

So Journey, and Tallie go with me to get the sheep up. The working sheep were pleased to see me and have me put them into their nighttime pasture and walk in like there was a dog. behind them.

But the ewes while not pleased had settled in for the night and were down next to the branch and woods…I had to send Journey in and (Thank goodness we have been practicing)  he did amazingly well…blindly in the dark  thru the woods he brought 20 ewes and 25 lambs quietly and easily to the gate where they passed thru quietly!  I was so pleased! What a good dog my “J ” is !