WE HAD A GOOD RUN… (10/22/09 to 5/31/24) DROVER

Drover KY

What is there to say about the best dog that ever was?  

My heart is broken! 

I have given some thought to this fine dog… and how, why he was mine from the time he and I laid eyes on each other! He was a soft wiggly bundle of furry fun! With the prettiest patriot blue watch eye ever. A good sweet spirit that showed all the time. Never grumpy. He had a way with young things puppies and lambs. He would mother up a lamb if its mom would not and how he gave kindness to the ones that needed it. He would lay for hours on end and watch a ewe so she would take a lamb hers or another ewes. He always watched over the Flock and knew when we had trouble and I needed help. 

He was not much for a fuss or cussing and would go to the house if such was going on! 

My late friend Reba Stegall insisted I purchase him, but I wanted his sister! Carol Greet in Ten Sleep Wyoming had his litter so it was settled. Les and our friend Richard Swift left out in December with snow between here and Wyoming to pick him up! 

Drover and I traveled the country going to Missouri, Washington State, Kentucky, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, and 3 weeks in Florida! And all the points in-between… We had a good RUN 14 years 7 months and 7 days…he went to the Kentucky Horse Park! We rode horses and camped out together. We attended many clinics and herding trials together. He dog broke 207 sheep in Florida.  He was the first English Shepherd stud dog and the 4th English Shepherd in general to become an AHBA Herding Trial Champion. We worked ducks, geese, sheep, occasionally a cow. He was working up until he passed just not often as he had lost his hearing and some sight. But he always beamed when he was able to work and worked off hand signals and pure instinct! He had tons of instinct and was a kind and talented dog. He passed that pure instinct and biddability to his puppies.

Drover is the reason and the way The Lord has led me to what I do now…I did not know that until 2 days after he passed. I was reflecting on how and why I work with sheep and dogs and people and I understood it…Drover was the way, the road to here and now…

Maple Grove Farm and all of us that knew Drover are blessed by this good dog…Our hearts are hurting and my eyes and ears are empty…

He died as he lived with honor and dignity and was not sick but for 20 hours…God was gracious and good to the end. He went to heaven peacefully as I lay beside him on the floor. 

Drover has left a fine legacy on which we are building on…KAT Ballou, Tallie Ho, Journey, and Reason will carry on for me and we will have fine Drover grand puppies in the future! 

Drover was my little buddy! My Bubby! 

Yes the finest RUN EVER! 



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    • Ilona on June 3, 2024 at 12:42 pm

    Yes! Let’s talk about Drover in Fl! How you and he took a herd of wild, crazy sheep and single-handly dog broke them in wide-open rough barren terrain. Crazy—no one else wanted the job but you two successfully accomplished the job with NO acknowledgment! Lessons learned but what a foundation for moving ahead in stock work! Beautiful memories and I’m proud to have been there to witness the unimaginable challenge!

    • Sharon Griesmann on June 3, 2024 at 12:57 pm

    Hi Kay, I’m so sorry for your loss of Drover. He definitely left a legacy. He sired so many very good dogs. My Rez was one of the best. And his grandson, Maverick is one of the best dogs I’ve ever had. Everyone loves him! It’s so good you have some of his offspring. Again, I’m very sorry. My prayers are with you.

    • Peri Nishikawa on June 3, 2024 at 1:00 pm

    What a lovely tribute! God planned him for you and you were the perfect team. God Speed, Drover.

  1. Bless your heart Kay! I know your heart is broken to pieces. May the good Lord be with you during this painful time. You know as I do he will never be forgotten. Truly an awesome dog and faithful friend.
    Hang in there the best you can. You are in my prayers .

    • Judy on June 3, 2024 at 5:01 pm

    I have no words for comfort in the passing of Drover. You gave an incredible tribute to Drove. May He be in endless peace and your precious memories will always bring you comfort and joy , there was the bond between you and Drover that will never be broken 🙏🏻🙏🏻

    • Gary Jacobson on June 4, 2024 at 8:22 am

    Our Bessie embodies, and Drover is all around in many ways.
    Thank you for being Drover’s best friend.
    Thank you for helping to make English Shepherds the dogs that they are.


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