The Symphony, Last Evening …

As Journey and I walked down into the field….the darkness seemed to be magical and to envelop us… it was warm and still… nothing was moving. It felt as if we were approaching the entrance to a large sanctuary . As we entered this other world of utter peace…

I looked up, at the nighttime sky, the stars and planets were bright and beautiful you could not tell where the sky ended and the earth began. The darkness of the evening was everywhere. And the beauty was breathtaking!

I had a  fleeting thought that my choice of foot wear “flip flops” … to put the sheep into the fold from their pasture might have not been the wise choice …I had no light nothing but what the earth was reflecting back into space…and that was enough but different. 

The warmth of the evening was nice. Then I realized the sounds of the evening, were wonderful in sync like a great orchestra 

Journey and I were witnessing the most beautiful music played by the most talented of God’s insect world…I grew up hearing this but never an occasion like this. I had been inside my home attempting to sleep…But this ! Being out of doors walking into their world the sounds were humbling… beautiful! I wish I could do justice to what I experienced !  I think it was more of a total being experience one I find impossible to explain….

I do know that at that moment I felt a Peace, that I was Safe. and if I died right then  and there …it was all Good…It was an odd thought for me, the stillness in my soul , made it difficult to walk…I felt fine and as I looked up … I moved on and to my sheep and their needs of safety in the fold…

Journey felt it too. He was so quiet I could only see him because of his white markings. He amazed me as he did the right work I needed to gather the sheep in for the night. I never said a word to him!

As we turned from our sheep work and walked towards home Journey and I both had a peace that went with us and one that I intend to seek out now having had the encounter…