Life In A Cone!

Poor Drover !

He is living life in a cone!

Yes the dreaded cone!

Best I can tell he does not mind it! He gets along fine…He lays around more…

Eating and drinking are entertaining to watch! I get tickled…But Drover as any good adaptable English Shepherd should be… is taking all this in stride. He knows this too will pass!

Several months ago Drover bumped his right foreleg above his paw , and made a sore spot. It came and went in appearance …Depending on the licking.

During the Painter Clinic it was cold and as skin does in cold and wet conditions it cracked…Well that called for more licking. I decided to wrap it. More licking! only ABOVE the wrap ! Then tearing the wrap off! Well in a few days I had a real mess and he had a real bad sore!

I went to the vet 2 weeks ago…and purchased a clear semi soft sided cone for 12 dollars… and Drover has been living in the thing since. He took to it okay …I kept him up for a couple of days to get use to it. He sleeps inside at night.

The foot is healing and the hair is starting to grow back. His skin is clear and smooth. So now if the hair will grow back he will be out of the cone zone soon!

I have been using coconut oil but will put scarlet oil on it starting tomorrow… I am hoping that will speed the hair growth!

He has a trial next weekend ! I doubt the sheep at Kellys will be impressed with a dog in a Cone! 🙂

But here the sheep are worked as needed with Drover in his cone!

no photos of Drover in the cone! Some things are best left to imagination! After all he is my Little Buddy!
