Lambs have started  to arrive at Maple Grove Farm!

So far…Kelly’s ( were born at least 20 days early last Sunday Morning)  she had 2 (one was still born) and the other one is a black lamb with a white spot on his head! Kelly and her lamb are doing well!

Today one of my larger older ewes “Belle” had twins. Large boys! One is brown and the other is white with brown speckles on his head. They are strong and healthy. Belle is tired and sore…But fine and what a good mother she is…

I have several ewes that are dilated and likely ready to deliver in a day or so.

KAT and I went down and checked on them at 1 AM (just now) All was quiet and well. We have the ewes I think are all most ready to deliver in the 50 foot round pen along with the 3 new lambs and their Mommas.

During the day we have to watch for buzzards and at night listen for coyotes! 
