Have you ever stopped along the side of the road while passing thru farming country and watched as a Farmer tilled the soil with a John Deer Tractor or a pair of matched work horses and planted the field?
Had the opportunity to visit with a Farmer, sit down and talk under the shade trees?
Visited a milking parlor and watched the cows being milked? The milk and butter we enjoy comes mainly from cows.
Think about the Farmer that raises the beef, poultry, hog, or sheep that you enjoy for your dinner?
This is not a blog about where our food comes from…
This is ALL about the Farmer that works very hard for a living… to grow all of the food that we have to enjoy to eat.
I recently spent a day at Buffalo Creek Dairy. I was reminded of all the hard work it takes to grow the food for our country and the world. I was reminded and amazed at the determination of the Farmer…the love of their animals and of the land the Farmer is entrusted with!
In my opinion dairy work is the hardest, most demanding work there is. ALL the cows have to be milked at least twice a day. They have to be fed feed, silage, hay, water. Then their health has to be maintained to a high standard. The cows have to be moved from field to field with care. The calves, and all the heifers, bulls and steers are cared for and yes fed twice a day. Not every cow is fed the same…Oh and many Farmers grow their own feed for their animals not just hay and silage!
The Farmer starts early and works till the job is complete!
Then there are the rules and regulations that have to be met by the Farmer as set out by the federal, state and local governments! And yes tons of paper work! Oh and then all the records on each animal from conception till it leaves the farm…And did I mention the “real waste management” they have to deal with?
The Farmer has to know, understand and use biology, animal husbandry, genetics, weather, soil, fertilizer, pest control, carpentry, equipment, irrigation, be a salesman, a statesman, work in the heat, cold, rain, snow, sleet etc… and some how find time to have a family life.
Does this sound like a dream job?
When you and your family sit down to eat your meal…no matter if you are a Vegetarian, a Vegan, or you eat your meat kosher or not… Think about your food the meat, vegetables and fruit… and where it comes from and who grows it…think about the Farmer..Savor each bite…and be thankful for the Farmer. Offer up a prayer of thanksgiving ask for blessings and safety…for “your Farmer”…because they are… all “Our Farmers”!