Laughter comes to easy… Rainy Day Fun…


I love the rain that my friend Spring brings…tis a soft rain, with big drops that can fall heavy but never hard against your skin (that is Winter’s Rain) The Spring rain can be cold especially in May when the sheep shearing rain comes…mainly the Spring rain is a cool soothing rain…sometimes accompanied by a loud orchestra that consists of Thunder and Wind…and a light show that no performer could ever equal! 

I LOVE to jump in rain puddles, walk thru the terraces with the clear water running in the tall green grass slowly. The rain falling fast and the wind blowing the rain all around. (I wear tall rubber boots! ) My friends the fire ants are in that water too! 

The pond with the swirls of the wind in the rain…the ripples in the pond and the grey clouds overhead low and full of rain…The trees swaying and thoroughly washed clean…the grass all so green…

I love to go out in the rain and explore all the ditches, the branches, the pond spillway…The dogs love it too…well Drover doesn’t and he stays on the porch! (He thinks I am crazy)     LOL! 

So our adventure started after Journey and I had gathered our two flocks and put them away safely. 

All of the dogs came along except for Drover!   

KAT, BOO, Sky, Journey and I set out with our faces in the rain! I on the gator, the dogs walking along… The rain was off and on and seemed to be letting up…But the wind was picking up and swirling…like a tropical storm…

We hit deep standing water  and it rolled back up over the front of the gator and on to me…I laughed! What fun! We checked all the ditches and drains in the big field and marveled at the water going over our bridge…guess that pipe needs cleaning out!  The water was running in the grass and it was 4 inches deep at least! How awesome is that…it was like the grass had thousands of fingers and they were waving in the water. But the coolest part was the clover in the deep water in bloom standing still…

Then off to the spill way and holding pond…the water was running well and staying well with in the spillway. We went to the far end of the spillway exploring and that needs cleaning out …Then off to branch to see how high it was and fast running…

By now the rain had become serious but my good old raincoat and hood were doing a fine job! Besides it was not cold…

And then I found that special place I had been searching for…subconsciously …I have my Grandpa Delk’s genes and there is one I got a triple dose of…(dominant recessive) LOL!  I don’t know what it is …but anyway I went across the field down into the area the horses go in and out of to the branch during the day. It is their AC place.  this evening it was a water running muddy place…I look back and laugh..I did think oh this could be slick… I pulled into the opening…turned the gator off so I could listen to the branch roaring its way to Jackson Creek…the dogs were smart and stayed out of the fast moving water…I realized that the rain was falling harder and the wind was getting serious and there I was in the woods on a flooding branch bank. 

Time to leave…I had left my phone at home. 

The spot I had went in was like a V filled with water and the ground slick and muddy…

We turned around and started out. OOPS!  Laughter! We have a problem. The gator in all wheel drive was not going up the hill in all that slick mud. At one point I remember what is all this Horse manure doing here…LOL! 

We tried going up the hill in the wooded area, oops, not happening! 

Okay lets  gather limbs to put down under the tires..Done! Okay… by now we had been at this for 30 minutes or more! And by the way this idea did not work…

So I tried backing up the hill…ummm …I might have a real problem! No Go!!! all the time laughing! Remembering all the crazy places Grandpa got stuck up in!!!Giggle! 

So I cut a trail up the hill under the trees…the dogs loved this… as I sat on the wet ground and cut!  Dogs in my face, by now a very wet heavy coat, me sitting in the mud lopping saplings…I was laughing! Thinking of Grandpa, and what my Daddy would have said…After many attempts and getting  stuck over on the larger trees..


The next ideal was to get a running start! 

Did I mention I asked the Lord to help me!?

So the running start was working well and then there were trees… I had to slam on breaks! 

Backed up and aimed a bit differently hit the gas and like I had been pulled out only it felt like I was on air! Up the hill into the field! Thank You LORD!!! Woo Who! ! God is good! hallelujah! He answers our prayers! The dogs were rejoicing with me…I am sure they were ready for supper and wanted to dry off….

What an adventure!  Fun, Excitement, love, laughter! and my good friends were with me! 

Laughter comes to easy for Life to pass me by! (from a Gordon Lightfoot song)