Tired Tonight!!!

Today the grading man (my brother Kenneth) was suppose to be here around 9:00 AM.. He called said Randal his assistant would be here but that got changed and finally at 1:00 PM we got started!

First Les cut some small trees that had grown in the edge of the pasture while Randal took the Bobcat and balled up all the limbs .briers (peta)  and brush Danielito had cut down with his machete.

Once that was all done he started on the ditch the terraces empty into to clean it out. WELL 20 feet latter the Bobcat was sunk 3 feet into the bottomless unseen mud! Randal had to go pick up the loader to pull it out with. Les and I worked on making the sheep pens and arena and ducks ready for tomorrow’s Herding Work shop.

All day the dogs had a great time hunting mice, squirrels  (caught 5) and in general enjoyed being out with us. Amarillo stayed close to the Gator and me. Drover worked the ducks. BOO stuck to Les, Abilene stuck to me after I let her out of the puppy pen. NOW there was an unhappy bunch! They wanted to go too! But heavy equipment and puppies is not a good cross!

We burnt one pile and it continues to burn, will likely for days.

I went to town and bought groceries. Now all is ready,, all most and I am falling into the bed!