Well it was very hot again today! Tonight it seems hotter than last night!
The dogs were keeping cool by swimming in the pond! BOO and Amarillo swam for an hour at least late this evening! They are amazing! Abilene got tummy deep and just stood there in the water. Montanna even got her feet wet! Dover he takes a dip then gets out! He is more interested in me!
We trimmed the sheep’s hooves today and it was not so bad. Now I know how to do it myself. Not a big deal if I have Les to hold them.
No riding this evening I turned horses out to the pasture, still too hot at 8:00PM to do anything.
My brother sent me a load of wood this morning it is right where it was dumped in my yard. It will wait till I can stack it!
Montann was sleeping (I thought she was awake) so I reached down to rub her tummy it startled her and she yelped like I had hurt her jumped up and barked! I think I yelled louder it scared me too! It was so funny! Poor thing!
Tomorrow I go to town!