Today I have been catching up on some odds and ends!
Like picking up and straightening up all my out side clean up efforts!
Les has mowed the yard and it looks wonderful!
I moved a Gator Load of Sand to behind the barn so I am sort of out of the mud! HA! I need a dump truck load!
Sheep and lambs are all settled in for now. They will stay a few more days in isolation with their Moms before I start them out in the pasture.
Monday Pat Justus our Guest Blogger is paying us a visit here at the Farm and will start Guest Blogging! This is going to be exciting!
Tosha, And the children plus cousin paid us a visit today and took some awesome photos of Lambs and a “Special” Surprise Item to be Announced in a few days!!! This is a real pretty item and it was designed and made by hand by a very good friend of mine! (More Latter)!!!
I still have 4 ewes to lamb! They could go any day!
I have been asked to explain my special handy hold em gate.
It is a simple thing to make. Mine is (compliments of Reba and Richard Stegall) they got tired of dragging it up and down the road every time they came so They said “Here it is yours!”
It is a multipurpose stock panel. It is about 40 inches tall and is cut to a length of about 8 feet. Reba used bolt cutters to cut it with. (You could cut it to whatever length is best for you!)
Then you walk up to your sheep and use it to separate them with till you get the one caught in a corner that you want. You can press against the panel and against the sheep . Penning it to the wall so you can hold it still to doctor, give meds or whatever you need a sheep to hold still for. You can stand on the bottom of it to hold it once in place, thus freeing your hands! This is a simple easy way to handle the livestock with out a lot of stress on anyone and it will work in any enclosed area.
Maybe more lambs tomorrow!!!