The last Ewe to lamb, lambed last night! We have TWINS! Both are  girls! And all the Flock is doing well!

We had 7 Ewes and they had 4 sets of twins and 3 singles. Total 11 Lambs!!! 3 Boys! 8 Girls! Now I like that!!!

They are all such nice lambs, and gaining weight daily! I had to pick up the oldest one born the 21st of March (will be 2 weeks old Wednesday) and it is a chunky lamb! All my Ewes have lots of good milk and are really great Mommas!

They stay in the barn at night and out in the field during the day. I take the sheep down of the morning walking with them (Drover helps and is learning to wait!) , and in the evening they follow the Gator up to the barn, where they are stalled and fed and sorted. I have the 2 youngest sets of twins in stalls by their selves.  The Ewes are kinda pushy to the young lambs , and the lambs  do not all ways understand which is their Momma (in tight quarters) Then one of my Ewes with twins has lost some weight, so I have her in a stall by herself with her lambs, so she can eat her feed and get the right portion. The rest are in one big stall.

By Thursday Night they will stay in the field unless it is bad weather.

With the lambing done, I am making plans to breed again. Working on a ram. Maybe I will be able to have Mr. Wooly back! If not we will find another one.

Kathadins are able to produce 2 lamb crops a year. Especially when they are in the condition mine are in. I doubt this will be a habit, but since we waited so long to breed the first time we will try it this year.