FOUR PUPPIES!!!!! All males!!!! Full of their selves!!! Loving and sweet! Smart as can be!

They think they own everything!

Today they helped me shuck corn. They loved the ends that I cut off.

They are fearless and ride the Gator even without the crate! They have learned to sit. We are working on stay. They are porch trained. (like house potty trained)

The Maple Grove Farm Four love to go with me to feed the stock. The sheep are NOT impressed by their presence and leave! The puppies go about the business of feeding and checking out everything!

(They are for sure ready for their forever homes) Now to find them homes…

Amarillo and Abilene boss them for sure! But seek higher ground away from them!

Drover is in charge and makes them mind. He is the disciplinary one for sure.

Tonight Montanna is on the porch with them…They sort of thought they would boss her. She had other ideas and told them so too! It was so funny to watch. They tried her but she put a quick end to puppy foolishness!

Not only that but she has them laid out and sleeping on the porch! They have been staying up and playing most of the night! NOT tonight! She has them quiet and in the bed!

Montanna is in charge tonight!!!