Drover’s Stockdog Journal!!!

This afternoon I sold a spring ram lamb.
The gentleman buying him brought the heaviest crate I have ever seen and on a roll back !
So we took the roll back to the pasture to the end of the arena at the gate.
Drover and I sorted the lambs in the holding pens.
We brought out 3 lambs. Drover walked the sheep up behind me for 200 feet. Then he held them to me while I reached in to catch the ram lamb. I missed! The sheep started to scatter I said “Away!” and Drover went left and brought them back and I had him hold the sheep to me. (he actually did that with out any instruction) then I reached and caught the lamb!
I walked the lamb to the crate and loaded it!
Drover kept the other two lambs back and away .
The Older man paid me and gave Drover a  $15.00 TIP!!!
Drover will be impossible now! He has his own money!!!!