Amazing Puppies!!!

Today has been the hottest day yet. The humidity has been terrible. Making the heat worse!

I was washing off my porch floor for the second time in 2 days! I have reclaimed MY PORCH! The puppies and dogs have to stay off it now.

I sewed up the porch swing, replaced the stuffing! Yes They Have To Say OFF!!! my porch!!!

Soon as it all dries I will redecorate!

Anyway, the puppies were barking down the hill at something. I yelled a couple of times to be quiet! They continued to bark! Then, I looked up and out!

“Oh My Goodness!” The horses were OUT!!!! Ripping and running and cutting up!

Good Puppies! Mind you they did not stop their barking because I said to…They were telling me something! Now If I can just learn to LISTEN!!!!!!!