Timber’s Journey…

We have began a new Journey with our new puppy Peaslee’s Timber of Maple Grove Farm (formerly Nessie of the Shepherdsway Blue Moon Litter)
I can hardly believe it has been only a week . Does seem longer only because we have been so busy doing so many new things and just plain settling in to our routine on the farm here.
We are working on leash training most every day and she all most has it. Mostly my fault because I hate leash training I admit it, but know how necessary it is !What I do is leash train early each day when we go to the sheep pens and all the dogs are along. This is a fun time for all my dogs and I use a small stick to block if necessary Timber from going round me …It is more like she just can’t go the wrong way because there is something in the way…she does not associate this blocking with me and I do not say anything unless she is at my heel and then I say heel.
Timber is sitting perfectly for her presents along with all the big dogs. Now that was easy enough!
We work dogs at least 3 days a week so Timber goes down for the lessons as do all my dogs. She is learning patience , calmness, and to do as I say. I tie her or pen her depends or she sits in my lap or at my side or to the folks here delight in their laps!
The part she really likes is being free to lay at the fence and watch what we are doing with the sheep.
This little 10 week old puppy is not afraid, she is steady when the sheep are at the fence next to her and she is not running and barking but sitting and watching thinking and I suspect planning for the day she has the opportunity to work the sheep herself!
I do take her in on leash with the sheep, I am very careful with Timber. She is understanding the order of things, here…
And she loves Drover she plays with him constantly!She grabs Drover’s heels! He is very very patience with her and the Matrons have told her and she understands what her place is…But I must say when she comes in at night to sleep in her crate in our bedroom I think she says to all the dogs “Goodie Goodie!” and tosses her her head that certain way that says “I am IT! and you are?”! SO much to learn!
What a wonderful new Journey!
Thank You Mary for trusting me with this good puppy!