It was only a matter of time before this happened…I knew it and had thought about it…
My sheep were free ranging in Momma’s front yard late this afternoon. I had BOO to remove them. Les and I had started to town in the GMC. (remember they “know” my truck and FOLLOW it!) I noticed as we went down the driveway the sheep were “looking” at the truck. Les even said “You ought to put those sheep up now!” “Oh they will be okay ” I said!
20 minutes latter my brother calls…Sheep Report! They are at the neighbor’s house the one at the end of our driveway. Up in their field!
So we hurry back home!
Grab a flash light it is getting late and my herding stick, and Drover on the back of the GMC! It is spitting rain.
Drover and I get out at the ball field and there are no neighbor dogs in site or to be heard. This is a GOOD thing! They have 4 large mean American Bulldogs a lab and ?….
So I put Drover in a down stay between the highway and the sheep and decide to take the sheep along the woods. The neighbors house is up hill about 300 feet… The sheep are happy to see me. As I walk toward the sheep they come to me and we start towards my driveway. All of a sudden (just as I start to tell Drover to walk up) The neighbor’s dogs are released and descend on the sheep and Drover! He yells and is GONE! I leave the sheep after being knocked every which way. And start calling Drover. Part of the dogs took out after him!
After dark and much calling! PRAYING and worrying! For over an hour! He shows up on the side of the road. His nose is skint but seems fine. He was concerned and dazed.Happy to find the truck and Les waiting for him
I suspect it was just not his time to go. What with all the highway traffic and mean dogs! I am so happy he found his way back to me safe and sound!
(they all went back to the house and up for Les during all this commotion!)
NO I will not tell about all the idiot drivers on Bescher Chapel Road this evening. 99 percent would run you over and never slow down!
Yes My Drover was “protected”!