ICE CREAM (on a stick)….

Okay ! I admit it! I am AWFUL!!! My dogs are ruined! or (at least spoiled)!

I like vanilla ice cream dipped in chocolate. I bought some “Blue Bunny” the other day at the grocery store. Okay I like the chocolate part! I really do not care for the ice cream!

This afternoon…Montanna, Drover and Timber helped me with my ice cream! I ate the chocolate and they ate the vanilla ice cream! They were so funny! Clearly they understood the process!

Oh well !  It was just this once! SMILE!



  1. Ok, Join the club! Mike gives Rosie the heel of any french bread he cuts into ( and Mike loves french bread!) Also a taste of just about anything she says she’d like to taste! And you can imagine what that leads to! Two rules…not at the table, and Mike knows the things off limits…chocolate, grapes, raisins, onions etc. That girl is spoiled!!

    And I bet it’s not just once you and your dogs share ‘Blue Bunny”!!

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