BOO and her Puppies…

Well I am going to allow BOO and her puppies a night of sleep without ME.  I believe she can handle things! (Gosh she had half of the puppies without me) But still…I MIGHT be needed! Smile!

Truthfully I have to have a night of uninterrupted sleep!

Today I allowed BOO to go swimming in the pond! Something she enjoys and the day was very warm to a dog ! Nice for people too!  She and Abilene , Amarillo and Montanna had a blast! Timber was part of the fun just not the wet part! (I have a serious Practicing Methodist) in that pup!  IE…( she does not do water! 🙂

Drover is still trying to court the girls in the horse trailer and has washed the whole back tail gate of the trailer and swept the ground clean of all hay and debris. All the time whining and fretting over Abilene and Amarillo. (I am quite sure they know exactly what they are doing to him and are loving their torture of him!) Honestly I will be happy when they are out of heat!

If you are interested in a good puppy , please email me

I will be posting more photos and videos of the puppies in the coming days. I expect the puppies to be able to go outside by Friday maybe. At least for a few minutes!

They are growing fast and BOO is the best of Mothers!

VIDEO tomorrow!