Author's posts
Apr 13
Dallas and the Cow…
Summer before last we were in the Virginia Mountains horse back riding. Dallas and The Girls were with us and I was on Texas my good paint horse. As we went up Homestead Road we encountered some cows that were out of the pasture. (The Forrest Service leases the fields to folk with live stock) …
Apr 12
Getting Ready!!!
We have been moving fences, cleaning up, building the new 40 foot round pen and driving lane, new holding pens for the sheep and the ducks, mowing, moving did I mention moving things? The Linda Rorem Clinic will be here before I know it. May 19 and 20!!! Audit Space Available ! $25.00 per person. …
Apr 07
Skye Reports Danger
Today on our afternoon walk I decided to go down the creek and thru the back pasture. As I came to the meadow, I noticed a cow laying by the creek, strange because the herd was over the hill. Skye was leading the way and I knew that if she was having a …
Apr 05
Drover Sheep Dog!!!
I just had to share what we accomplished this morning… We have 7 Ewes with 11 lambs…Daily I take them out to the pasture, and at night I bring them up to the barn. (No fences in between the two) Mornings are tough..Lambs jumping being lambs even Momma’s just not as high! But they follow …
Apr 05
I love to hear Whippoorwills! I Love their songs! Late of the evening about dusk you will hear them way off in the distance singing….then they move closer and closer. It seems they have a route they follow. Late this evening I was hardly able to hear them. It is 12:49 AM and they are …
Apr 04
Amarillo’s Puppy Bump!!!
I have been noticing that the movie stars are so pleased to show their “baby bumps” off in bikinis and tight clothes! I remember when women did not go out in public much when they were expecting let alone show it off! Times do change! So Amarillo was all bouncy and flouncy the other day …
Apr 03
A Happy Dog Was Waiting For Me
Since I have been away for about 5 days, it was a very happy homecoming for me. Skye just could not contain himself, he was bouncing up and down and running around and I felt the same way. After a brief greeting he went straight out to find his frisbee, oh, did I mention I …
Apr 03
Montanna’s Trip To the Beauty Box!!!!
Today was the day! Montanna was more than ready! She really needed the trip! Boy is she a Happy Girl tonight! What a pile of hair was cut from her! Like a whole other dog (or 2) Her heavy breathing has stopped and she is running round like a younger dog! This will help her …
Apr 03
Sheep to Herd!!!
The ram I leased was from a Sheep Farmer in Virginia named Logan. Logan is a real nice young man and has about 200 head plus Katahdins. His ram is a full blooded registered Katahdin , named Mr. Wooly. Sunday a friend of mine Diane rode up to the Mountains with me and we picked …
Apr 03
The last Ewe to lamb, lambed last night! We have TWINS! Both are girls! And all the Flock is doing well! We had 7 Ewes and they had 4 sets of twins and 3 singles. Total 11 Lambs!!! 3 Boys! 8 Girls! Now I like that!!! They are all such nice lambs, and gaining weight …