Author's posts
Dec 23
Abilene Update…(now daily)
Abilene is fine and up and out early this morning! She slept in her room again last night and will from now on! Not taking any chances! Dogs like to find a dark inconvenient place to den up to “find their puppies” as my Grandpa use to call it! NOT Taking that chance here! I …
Dec 22
Drover and Montanna Herding Sheep in the Dark!!!
Les came home early this evening and we decided to go out to eat supper. It was daylight when we left and dark when we arrived back home. I waited to put the sheep up in the stall till we returned. Today we have had rain, and on top of the rain we had yesterday …
Dec 21
Abilene…Week 8!!!
Abilene is slowing way down now….I think she should deliver the 30th and from all the signs I may very well be correct. She is still going with me and helping but sleeping / resting more. Not eating like she was…from the looks of her tummy there is no room for food! She spent her …
Dec 20
Sheep Trimming Crew!!!
This is the sheep trimming crew (minus me the camera person) !!!! Left to right: Eian, Richard, Reba, and Les! In the middle is the last sheep! and to the right in the shadows are Drover, Abilene and Amarillo
Dec 19
II…Drover’s Stock Dog Diary…
Saturday Les and Kay borrowed a sheep/goat holder that raises up into the air with the animal on it tied into place. So that Kay and Les can trim the sheep’s feet and or doctor a sheep if it needs it. Our neighbor Todd McLeoid loaned it to us. I did not get to go …
Dec 15
Today’s Herding!!!
Today Drover, Montanna, Abilene, Amarillo, and BOO all did great! They were very helpful in moving our sheep (where the sheep did not want to go!) I have been reading about Bud Williams and his method of handling stock, plus listening to a conversation on another list about Bud Williams. (go on line and look …
Dec 14
Today was beautiful! It started out chilly and damp, but warmed up and the sun shone brightly! I had purchased some tall dutch iris bulbs over the weekend. Plus yesterday some mums and pansies on sale at Lowes. I could hardly wait to plant them. I fixed my barrels first with the bulbs and the …
Dec 12
Gator Broke Sheep!!!
My 7 Katahdin ewes are Gator Broke! It is the most amazing thing! They follow the Gator with me driving all over the Farm! But they do it Best of the evening when it is feeding time. They follow it up to the barn and their stall! (I will have to do a short video!) …
Dec 12
Drover’s Stock Dog Diary…
Hi! I am Maple Grove Farm’s Rimrock Drover. I am 2 years old and I live and work on my owner’s small farm in rural North Carolina. I was born in Wyoming . I go everywhere with Kay, my owner…Well really she is more than that to me. I live eat and breath to be …
Dec 11
Week Seven…Abilene Puppies!!!!!
We are in week 7 of Abilene’s pregnancy! Those puppies will be here before I know it!!! I have to make a email for the puppy announcement so all I have to do is fill in the blanks when they arrive. So all my prospective puppy homes will know “they have arrived”. So much still …