Author's posts
Dec 09
I was busy decorating the house for Christmas. The sun had fallen below the mountains, and I happened to glance out towards the west. What I saw made me stop in my tracks! I pulled up the rocking chair and sat down to watch and think. The water in the pond was still as glass. …
Dec 07
Back Home!
Margaret and I went to the mountains today and returned Mr. Wooly to his farm. We had a nice visit! We talked dogs and horses all day! smile! My brother Kenneth and his helper Randall came by early and loaded the ram (all ready in his cage) into the back of my pick up. Course …
Dec 07
Mr. Woolly…
Margaret and I are taking Mr. Wooly back to Virginia tomorrow. I can only hope he has done his job here! But he has been here long enough that if he was able to do it , he has done it! grin! They make marking harnesses for a reason and now I know why! I …
Dec 06
I have heard heartbeats! !!!!! Wow! It will not be long! The time is flying! Abilene is eating well and her tummy is ever expanding! I suspect she will be uncomfortable very soon! Week Six…. DEVELOPMENT OF THE PUPPIES Development of skin pigment Fetuses should weigh around 6 grams and be 45 mm long Fetal …
Dec 05
Pumpkin Pie and Grandma…
Last night I cut up a pumpkin and cooked it. A friend had given it to me back in October. It was an unusual pumpkin. It had a beautiful old timey pumpkin shape , but the color was all most pink instead of pale peach. Plus it had some bumps on the outside of it. …
Nov 30
Week # 5…
Here is what is happening to Abilene and the puppies growing inside of her! Development of toes, whisker buds, and claws Fetuses look like dogs Gender can be determined Eyes (previously open) now close Fetuses grow from 18 mm – 30 mm Organogenesis ends — embryos are now fairly resistant to interference with development CHANGES …
Nov 28
Wood Smoke…
Today our neighbor Clay Trotter (he is a potter) came over and cut wood for us. We had 2 red oaks that fell during the summer and they made great wood for our wood stove. The smell of wood smoke on a chilly evening brings back so many memories. Carrying in wood for the fire. …
Nov 26
Abilene’s Week 4…
The puppies are growing! So is Abilene’s tummy! It is firm to the touch. She is sleeping more and slowing down a bit…And wanting more attention. Plus the belly rubs! This is what is going on inside Abilene! Development of eyes and spinal cords Faces take shape Fetuses grow from 5-10 mm to 14-15 mm …
Nov 24
Barn Work…
Getting ready for cold weather. Cleaning stalls for horses and sheep! Adding shavings . Fixing water and feed buckets. Moving hay into the barn from the hay shed. Cleaning, straightening the things one just throws back. The horses and sheep are in pretty good shape now. I am ready for the bad weather. Tonight the …
Nov 22
Warm Weather!!!
Our weather has been unseasonably warm! Today I should have worn shorts and a sleeveless top! Instead of cowboy boots with thick socks long pants and a short sleeved shirt! We cleaned stalls, One to go ! I cleaned the porch. Fixed the dogs winter beds, (like they need that!) Fixed fence, Watered Sheep and …