Author's posts
May 19
Wondering??? Leave No Trace…..
It has been difficult for me to write daily for about the last two weeks. For one I have been real busy with all the puppies and their departure for their forever homes. Then there is the sadness that I feel with their leaving. Course it is spring on the farm and so much to …
May 19
Sheep Shearing Rain in May!!!!!
My Grandma use to say there were two cold rains in May. One when the blackberries were blooming. The other when the sheep were sheared. We had the first one earlier this month. Today was the Sheep Shearing Rain! I even had to build a fire! Next week Montanna will get her Summer Hair Cut! …
May 12
An update on Ranger (Parker from Mar.2011 litter) below from his forever family. This puppy was very determined, sweet and playful while he was here. He showed interest in our ducks and was very alert, keen and independent. It is so nice to hear he is adjusting well with his new family. ~Kay Hello! We …
May 11
Magnolia Trees ….
Anyone that has been to our farm knows there are beautiful Magnolia Trees along our drive way. I LOVE the sent and oddly enough they are starting to bloom way up high. I believe they are a bit early this year! Those trees would be much larger if I had not been the lawn mower …
May 10
Making Hay…
It is May and Hay Time! The grass is ready! Now to convince someone to cut and square bale our hay! Use to there were Farmers with the right equipment. No so any more! The ones that do are busy or too far away. Or they promise and never show up! Tomorrow I will go …
May 09
I thought I’d share an email with you… Today, Sharlie surprised me….I have an old cat that I put up every night so the coyotes don’t get her. The cat did not show up like she usually does. I asked Sharlie to go find her. She put her nose to the ground and actually acted …
May 08
Now There Are Four….
From Nine Puppies to Four in One week! Yes it is hard! But necessary, and part of the deal! I am asked by so many folk “How can you part with them?” And my answer is: When I decided to breed I knew the puppies would be leaving at eight weeks for their forever homes. …
May 07
Buckets And Memories!!!
This evening as I walked back from the sheep pens at feeding time with my two buckets in my hands. The sun had set low over Steep Rock Mountain. The air was cool and a slight breeze moved about making this spring evening cool. I could smell the heavy perfume of the wild roses mixed …
May 04
Farm Things…..
Dogs and Horses, the Farm and Family… That is life round here. Puppies are such entertainment and so much fun! All their antics! Silly puppy stuff. Like all 6 puppies getting on the love seat on the porch with me and laying all round me for their tummy rub! And Drover right in the midst …
May 02
Fishing…And BOO……..
This evening the puppies and the grown dogs all except Abilene (she is in heat) went to feed the sheep and ducks with me. All 6 of the puppies went and did great. So when we finished chores I told the puppies we would go fishing. We came back and got the rod and reel …