Category: English Shepherds

The Final Chapter…of a sweet life

Sweet Aunt Peggy went to be with the Lord Jesus Christ Tuesday evening!   She had transferred from home Hospice care to Hospice House care while Les and I were on a short vacation.  We were in the mountains for some horseback riding and to get away for a few days…I called and Uncle Don relayed …

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Tough Day…

I posted about my old ewe that was down and I dried her off and covered her up. That happened about 48 hours ago, and this afternoon she was sort of in labor… I had the instructions, the medications, the meds and things I I might need and a person on the phone if I …

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Walk About…

The frogs were singing “Oh Spring!” …The breeze said “Spring”!  The sun was not real bright…but my sun glasses said SUNSHINE!!!Spring!  The temps were in the 60’s and it felt warm…The air smelled so clean and everything felt free…Spring! Under foot the ground squished with our every step…Low land and high alike squish, squish, squish! …

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A Golden Sheep Afternoon…

I have the flu…and had to spend the day inside…most of the day I sat in front of the window and watched the world of Maple Grove Farm… This morning the sheep enjoyed the warmth of the sunshine  stretched and flexed in it…some took lots of time… The sheep are hair sheep and they shed …

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Our Treasures …

My sweet Aunt Peggy and I were talking today…she is giving me some of her treasures… As we looked thru some 60 plus years of memories of her life and talked about each item (where it came, who gave it or where she had found it ) I was struck by the fact that life …

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Simple Country Pleasures…

Les had a tee time at Maple Chase Country Club in Winston Salem Monday morning at 9:00 AM… the plan was I ride along and meet Lawana at the golf course about 5 miles from her home.  It was 8 AM when we arrived! Les exclaimed at how early we were… Really ! One of …

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Maple Grove Farm…Today…

Journey (L)  Me,  Drover and KAT (R) The rain is softly falling on the grass and on the Magnolia leaves it seems to whisper to me “peace”.  As I sit looking out onto the farm I marvel at the beautiful blossoms on the Magnolia trees and Crepe Myrtles trees  that line our drive way.  The …

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Christmas Cards!

I love cards! The type you receive in the mail…       The sender has to pick it out, sign it, address it (look up the address) purchase a stamp and in many cases go to the post office or at least to the mail box! Whew!  I love to see how many I …

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Redeemed! oh yes!

  EVENING LAST:  We were working the sheep and sorting on a field gate. Some of the sheep needed shots and or worming.  We used Mike’s dog Diesel (he is in training)  and KAT to hold the sheep to the gate. No fences… we used the  natural boundaries. (the dogs were our gate) and in …

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Training KAT…

HOW does one proof their herding training? One way : I trial with my dogs in AHBA. Drover is a Herding Trial Champion with level III titles in Sheep, Ducks and Geese. Another Way : Drover and I have been all over 500 acres of land looking for and bringing home 70 head of sheep …

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