Category: English Shepherds

Abilene Drover Puppy Photos and Update!!!

I have been slow to post photos…(my bad!)   I promise to do better! Here are the 5 puppies born to Abilene and Drover June 16th, 2015 !!! Enjoy! We had some winking, and yawning going on today! Lots of it is hot ! All the puppies are spoken for! We had 3 black and tan …

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WOW! what fun!!!

We have been busy! Drover and I went to a AHBA herding trial in Berryville VA Memorial Day weekend. We earned a HTAD Level III Title on Geese! We worked hard (and I was nervous! ) So we did not title in anything else …But had some respectable scores considering I was so nervous! This …

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Drover’s Stock Dog Journal

Kay Drover

This afternoon Kay sold 14 head of sheep to a fellow in Midland NC! 9 lambs and 5 Churrio Ewes…. I had to take the ewes to the barn for sorting (out of the big 7 acre field) and across land that is unfenced. This is not a problem for me. I put them right …

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My Little Brown Hen…

Refuses to stay on the farm! Never mind she has a very large world here! NOT GOOD ENOUGH for her Henness! She goes to the neighbors and stays for days! Lets just say they do not appreciate her Henness living in their beautiful  manicured yard complete with tons of pine straw!  (er all that scratching) …

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Drover’s Stock Dog Journal…

Drover: I have gathered and sorted sheep…gathered moved sheep, re sorted…penned sheep…and did a lot of driving of sheep… If that was not enough I tended the flock in the unfenced field as well…then gathered and drove them back to the field! And lets not forget the sorting of the lambs from their Mothers! One …

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Simple Country Pleasures…Photos…

Enjoy these photos from our farm….

Drover’s Stock Dog Journal…

We are preparing for a  AHBA Trial in Berryville Virginia…the 23, 24 , 25th of this month… Drover is entered in HTAD Level III Ducks, HRD III Sheep and Ranch Large Flock III Sheep… We may try Geese too (will see) … Drover: We have been practicing gathering in large field on large flocks… and …

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Bitter Sweet…

My Daddy has been in heaven for 25 years…March 24th… It amazes me … To run into people that were his friends and acquaintances and business associates and they still remember him…and have wonderful things to say about Alton J. Delk…  my Daddy… Today Les and I ran into Sammy Hunt and his wife Janet…at …

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I was telling several folks about Drover finding lambs and bringing them to me as a  mother dog would  move a pup … Linda Rorem told me she had heard of this…but never witnessed it… Here is a report from 1907 …   Linda Rorem Homer Davenport wrote of the working collie Fly on the …

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The weather is just beautiful! Everything is green! the trees are leafing out…We had a thunderstorm and a really good rain tonight… The dogs are all happy…and in heat or coming in! Montanna had a hair cut last week and a bath..She is so much cooler and happy… Drover is still in the cone but …

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