Category: English Shepherds

Cutting Wood…ghosts, memories and ES dogs…

A simple country pleasure…is wood cutting. We burn wood in our house and in the Shepherd’s Cottage. Another simple country pleasure is being warmed by a wood stove on a cold day, or a warm cherry fire in a rock fire place. The other day Les, the dogs, and I went to the field to …

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I Lost A Whole Day…

Yesterday…. Time, life, everything ceased to exist for me…Except for ONE thing… LAMBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and EWES Drover and Abilene 🙂 I woke to sound of a Ewe off in the distance with lambs and I knew there was trouble. One it was windy and cold! Two the lambs and the Ewe were sounding stressed.   I jumped up …

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Simple Country Pleasures…

Today I fixed a chicken pie…(still trying for Grandma’s perfect pie)  not there yet… But I can fix green beans and creamed potatoes like she did! The chicken pie was for the Friendly Neighborhood Club meeting (every 4th Tuesday) We were low in numbers 19 today but had tons of food! All delicious. Pot luck…Piney …

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My Sweet Montanna…

I am reminded of a Tom T. Hall song “Old Dogs and Children and Watermelon Wine. Montanna is getting on up in years…(Law it seems like yesterday she was just a puppy) She has become slow and very careful. Cold  weather is hard on her old bones. She has a big soft dog bed and …

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Simple Country Pleasures…

Watching lambs play in the field! Bounce and run! Tag you are IT! Run! Tag! Now you are it! After the rain and the barn difficulties…Les and I  decided to build a temporary shelter in the field for the sheep and lambs. Ashlyn and her friend Lilly came over after church and we had lunch. …

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My Abilene…Simply Amazing!!!

Today one of the lambs was cold and not up nursing. I brought him to the house and gave him to Abilene to look after. I put the lamb beside her. She licked and mothered him, and warmed him up. I fixed some caned milk and sugar (all I had) and fed that to him. …

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Sometimes a ewe will not accept a lamb…If you catch it early you can jug the ewe and the lamb(s)  and use your dog to hold her attention while the lamb(s) nurse!  It is a shepherds trick to use the dog. The ewe focuses on the dog as a threat and forgets she does not …

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I Know Better!

We are lambing! We have had 8 Ewes to lamb. (I lost the first Churrio Navaho twins) That ewe walked them to death! (I did not realize they would do that!) Then I had a Katahdin ewe with twins and she lost one of them on day 3 it just died. Starting Tuesday of this …

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Puppy Walk About…

Abilene pups

Sunday afternoon was cold but pleasant. We had sunshine!  I took the puppies and the grown dogs to the barn to hang out with the chickens and watch. The puppies are learning that chickens peck if they are to close and have a pink hind leg that kicks if they pull tail feathers and or …

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Cluck, Cluck , Cluck said the little Brown Hen..

Tuesday , when Les and I arrived home from cutting wood …Scott a friend of ours had brought us 16 little Brown Hens! So pretty and brown and they lay eggs!  Now we have 17 hens!  Scott is bringing us a pretty Americana Rooster soon! This afternoon we turned the hens out of the barn …

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