Category: English Shepherds

Puppy Update…

BOO pups

The puppies are leaving one by one….Sigh…The first ones left and I thought good they are ready! Prepared for life as well as I can make them…There were a total of 14 puppies (7 Amarillo Drover Puppies and 7 BOO Trapper Puppies) So the number was nice as it got less… Now there are 4!  …

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We have two Drover Amarillo Puppies and 3 BOO Trapper puppies! Still available. Both litters are excellent English Shepherds! They have a big time on the farm! Going to water sheep or hiking, riding the gator or swimming in the pond! It is a fun place to be !…unless you are an old dog…. then …

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PUPPIES…Meet The Sheep!!!

Late this evening (sorry no photos) the Puppies, Amarillo and Drover all went to the Sheep pens for the Puppies first Meet The Sheep! (They are 4 weeks old today) So I had the pups on the back of the gator in a crate… Drover and I penned the sheep and the puppies were crying …

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Amarillo Drover Puppies First Gator Ride!!!

Drover ups

The puppies are 3 and 1/2 weeks old and they took their first ride today on the Gator! They acted as if they were born riding! Not one puppy complained at all! In fact they LOVED being in the yard and running round under the big Maple trees while it rained! All the dogs hung …

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Driving…Drover’s Stock Dog Journal

Drover sheep

YES!!!! Okay… I know I have whined  and worried and worked and discussed driving till you all are like sick of it. Well this morning I made some real driving work  for Drover and he HAD to drive. I did not revert to the okay you can gather the sheep (as in the past). I …

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Amarillo Drover puppies first Goats milk!!!

  The Amarillo Drover puppies are growing! They toddle all over their area. I took the puppy pillows and bedding out. They still have blankets but they are on the rug with a few scattered pillows. They line up and nurse Amarillo and sometimes she manages to slip away from them when they have finished …

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Sheep Shearing…


We have 5 grown full blooded Churio Navaho sheep. They do not shed their coats like the Katahdins do. The lady we got them from had been shearing them by hand (the old timey way before clippers) with a pair of hand held sheep sheers. My good friend Diane that does dog grooming has a …

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Drover’s Stockdog Journal…

People often ask me what the sheep’s bells are for. It is so I can hear where they are and be able to tell what is going on with them. A soft tinkle as a sheep contentedly eats grass or chews its cud. A fast ding, ding ding, lets me know the sheep are moving …

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The stork came in for his landing round 7:15 AM today! He took off round 11:30AM! A very short visit! But left behind 7 beautiful puppies! Some are tri colored and the rest are black and tans. All are beautiful! Photos and video tomorrow I promise! Momma and babies are fine! Tired for sure!  As …

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Amarillo Still going!!!!

Amarillo is very near delivery by the stork!  Today she went for a swim and enjoyed the cool after noon. She is safely tucked  away in the basement. This is day 61 … normal delivery can occur between day 55 and day 65.

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