Category: English Shepherds

Les and Kay’s Big Adventure… (with Drover and Timber)

Day # 4… We are in Malta Montana! On HWY 2 ! This is a nice Motel…We have been staying in Motel 6’s and the first one was AWFUL! The next 2 okay. This is the Great Northern on the Milk River downtown Malta. Very clean, large rooms and nice! (we are not afraid to …

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Les and Kay’s Big Adventure with (Drover and Timber)

Third Day… Getting better at being on the road with two dogs in a car! We are in Fargo, North Dakota tonight. We had a lovely visit with Sara Amble and Family and her 3 English Shepherds in Black Earth, Wisconsin. Sara, her Dad, Mom, and Niece own and work their family dairy farm. It …

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Les and Kay’s Big Adventure (with Drover and Timber)

Day Two… We went out to the Falls of the Ohio State Park. What an interesting place! And a very ancient one! The river was “up”! So the fossil beds were covered with water. The museum was very interesting. Seems the fossil beds and the falls were an ancient crossing for animals, ancient peoples and …

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Les and Kay’s Big Adventure ….(with Drover and Timber)

Day One… I rose early Sunday morning, excited and a bit worried about leaving. I hated to not be able to take all my dogs with us! I had made all the arrangements for the dogs staying home to be well cared for. Our nephew Jay was feeding daily and taking care of the sheep …

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The 80 by 100 Jr Herding Dog Arena is complete!  With THREE Gates hung! Way to go Les and Jay! It really looks great! The driveway gate is hung! SHEEP LOOK OUT !!! No more escapes to the neighbors for you all! Course we cut the water line in to digging the hole for the …

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Abilene…Really AMAZING!!!

Just now the dogs were on “something” up in the woods. It was the bark that told me. Abilene, Amarillo and BOO were having a fit! So I finally went up there with the rifle. And a dim flashlight. BOO and Amarillo said it is up this tall tree! BOO was even running up the …

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I am so happy! MY ewe I thought might not make it is JUST FINE! Maybe a bit weak but well on the way to recovery!  All the sheep are treated for parasites, and should be good for a 3 weeks! We have had so much rain that has caused the parasite problem. The parasites …

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Tough Week so far…

The horses escaped to the neighbors woods. One of them (no name) got in the barbed wire! His leg is a bit of a mess. I am doctoring it and he will be fine! Then one of my lambs died (parasites) this time. I have a sick ewe! Parasites again! I doubt she will live. …

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I hope to be able to share photos of the  BOO Skye Litter in their new homes! They are all doing very well and quite happy! I miss the little rascals! But this is as it should be! 🙂  

Aggravating and Worrisome!

As you all know my web site was down for over a week! I have just gotten things back in order and found the time to post!  GRRRR!!! It was a web site domain name deal!  I had purchased years ago thru Yahoo my domain name. I moved my hosting from Yahoo to Blue Host …

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