Category: English Shepherds

Last Day #4 of the Larry Painter Sheep Camp…

Like anything you really love to do…All too soon the Party is Over! The last morning dawned fair and bright! Very cold and damp, but the promise of a beautiful day was in the air. The flood of the day before was soon forgotten as we all went to work .  The mud was with …

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Day Four Larry Painter Camp – Pics

Here are a few more pics from the Larry Painter Herding Camp held at Maple Grove Farm:  

Day Three Larry Painter Herding Clinic…

Tuesday dawned cold , wet, and grey. At 5:00 Am it was clear to me all my rain gear would come in handy. Little did I know! I had oiled my waterproof boots again the night before, laid out my rain gear and warm clothes. Had extra gloves and a new (supposedly waterproof) long rain …

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Day TWO of the Larry Painter Sheep Camp…

It was a cold , cold morning and 5 AM had come way too fast for me!  Seeing how I had not found my pillow before 12 AM !  I turned the coffee on and got ready for the day. At 7:00 AM I was headed down across the open field and cold grass with …

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Day One Larry Painter Sheep Camp…(but what would “IT” be?)

The morning air was just plain cold! But the excitement level was off the chart! It was finally here! WE were all here! The day had begun! Hot coffee made the house smell wonderful and the wood stove heat was inviting to all. All my preparations  what would they tell ? Had I missed or …

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Skye…(I thought you all would appreciate the snow!)

The sire of BOO’s Litter due April 1st !!! Skye is an all round English Shepherd! He is a good friend companion and ES shadow. He lives on a cattle farm in Virginia and he herds for his owners. He loves Frisbee and or ball or anything to retrieve!  Swims loves water. Is a great …

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All Dogs…

English Shepherds are a very unique breed. They have been bred to help on the farm and to be the Farmer’s right hand, extra helper, protector of stock and his family. They herd, play, love, look after, keep in order, hunt, and so many other things. I believe because they have lived so closely with …

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Four of My Girls…Abilene, BOO,  Timber and Amarillo …                          

Today… visitor? or resident?

              My nephew Jay saw him or her this past week while coyote hunting. But was so surprised he could not believe his eyes! These tracks were about 12 hours old when I saw them on the dam this evening. A wide open place. Fairly bold in my opinion …

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BOO’s Pregnancy Time Line …

Boo was bred on January 26th. So this is day 17 of her pregnancy. Dogs carry generally 65 days, so she should deliver around the 1 st of April. Yes BOO is for sure bred. She has all the signs. She is clingy. Her milk buckets are changing. She has been off her feed and …

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