Category: English Shepherds

BOO is in Heat!!!!

BOO by the pond…..We are planning to breed BOO to Drover! This should take place sometime in the next 10 days! Look for updates! I expect tris and Sable whites. This will be BOO’s first breeding. (BOO is out of Amarillo and Dallas) Soon as BOO is bred for sure I will start my Puppy …

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Ram Power!!!

This is THURSDAY! our very large and strong beautiful Borrowed Katahdin Ram! He will be the sire of the next crop of lambs expected in mid May at Maple Grove Farm! Thursday arrived on a Monday and went right to work!

Herding Today (Practice…

I had hoped PLANNED to go to Goildvien Virgina for a herding trial. But when I rose at 2:30 AM it was foggy and I had only slept 45 minutes so far! Ug! No way could I drive 5 hours plus and be sleepy and in the fog! So next time! I will leave the …

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Rough Week…

My Mother is in hospital. Very sick. Tuesday night she had a Seizure. Weighs 75 pounds. Things are kinda bad. I would appreciate prayers!  

Last Evening…

It was cold and grey as the sun sank low in the sky and the weather matched my mood…Everywhere I looked the grass was grey brown and crispy dead, it seemed. The sky was that dark winter grey the trees stood stark and still lifeless against it. Drover and I finished our chores as the …

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Drover….Waiting to work sheep

Christmas Photos… (Montanna)


My words are a poor way to describe what I saw this evening as Drover and I went down to gather the sheep and put them up for the night. It was round 5:00 PM and the sun was sinking low over Steep Rock Mountain. The sky was grey and dark blue and heavy with …

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Sunset At Maple Grove Farm

Red in the morning sailor take warning …Red at night a sailor’s delight!  

Beau’s Door Bell …

Hi Kay, Happy New Year! I hope things are good for you  on the farm. Things are pretty good here. I wish you the best in the coming year. Beau is a Hattie Dallas puppy. He lives in Virgina. This was sent to me by Beau’s owner Carol. I  thought you  would appreciate this Beau …

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