Category: English Shepherds


I want to wish the Abilene Drover 2012 New Year’s Litter a Happy Birthday !!!! You all are ONE today! Boy do I remember your birthday!!!! Where on earth does the time go?!!!    

Simple Country Pleasures

As Drover and I made our way down the hill from the house to the sheep. In the distance was the tinkling of bells on the sheep as they happily ate grass. A “bah” now and then, soft on the light cold breeze. The sun had set behind Steep Rock Mountain, but it was still …

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Old Dogs…

This afternoon, Montanna, Drover,Timber and I walked across the fresh wet brown grass that has been picked down by sheep and horses….As we made our way to the sheep pens.The sun was out, it was cold and the wind was tough. The sheep saw us from a distance and got all excited! They hoped I …

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Something New!!!

I grew up on a dairy farm,  and the animals lived in or at the barn. Or they had special homes at the house or between the house and the barn. But NEVER IN the house we lived in … Today Montanna moved inside with us. She has become unsteady on her feet. Her joints …

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Beautiful Day!!!

After a really wonderful REAL RAIN yesterday….Today was bright and sun shinning! A cold breeze was out of the north west and it was plenty cold. Ernie and Artie arrived to practice their sheep work one more time before their AKC Herding Trial in Georgia this weekend. They did very well and should have no …

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We sure hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful Christmas Day!!!! We at Maple Grove Farm Wish Each and Every one of you a Blessed , Happy, Good New Year too!!! Les and Kay Montanna, Abilene, Amarillo. Drover, BOO, and Timber All the Sheep and Tuff and Goodnight

This Evening…

It was a grey, cold, wet, fine mist that was falling at dusk…over the hills  on Maple Grove Farm…Much needed rain…Thank you Lord! Drover and I with my Shepherd’s staff made our way down behind the dam to gather the sheep up for the night. I could hear the tinkling of the bells ever so …

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T Posts and Lead Baloons!!!

This morning the dogs and I started moving fences for the horses. We rotational graze and it was way past time to move the horses. Part of the job is pulling up the temporary fence posts and sometimes I use metal T posts too. Like at corners and such spots that carry a lot of …

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This evening just before dark , I heard my dogs barking off in the distance. I went out to see what they were up to, and to call them back. Everyone returned but DROVER!!!   Not like him at all! He is all ways first to come when I call. I called and called and then …

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Free Range Sheep…

It was only a matter of time before this happened…I knew it and had thought about it… My sheep were free ranging in Momma’s front yard late this afternoon. I had BOO to remove them. Les and I had started to town in the GMC. (remember they “know” my truck and FOLLOW it!) I noticed …

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