Category: English Shepherds

Grey Morning Mists…

Monday morning I was up before sunrise. The day was all ready warm for this time of year, and there was moisture in the atmosphere. I went to the living room and looked out towards Grandma’s and Steep Rock Mountain. It took my breath the beauty of it all! No words are fit to describe …

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Friday, after dark Les and I along with Drover and Timber finally left for the AHBA Herding Trial in Burlington, NC. I packed everything but my sun glasses! Crates, Dog beds and bowls, leashes, dog food, pillows, meds, food, gator aid, cold and warm weather clothes, coffee, hot chocolate, phones, camera, chairs, tent, well you …

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Drover’s Stockdog Journal…

My cell phone rang about 1:00 PM and it was my uncle Richard. He owns the property next to me. The one with the green grass and onions! Oh and the recently removed fence and gate. I put my sheep up in the barn at night because of coyotes. Good thing too, because my nephew …

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Once in a Blue Moon I go to the local Denton Laundromat! I take large items like dog beds, blankets, etc and wash and dry them there instead in my washing machine. Things like this is hard on a regular washer and I don’t like the idea of the dirt in my machine! My friend …

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Today was beautiful sun shinny light breezy warm day, at least warm for November… in Jackson Creek, North Carolina. Les and I slept late…He was so very tired and has worked very hard all ready this week. Plus he feels bad has a cold….Course I slept late because he snored bad all night! I put …

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SHEEP!!! (GMC Truck Herding)

All my sheep are named Belle…It makes it easy and  if they have a Blue collar with a Belle  then They are Blue Belle…So you get the idea! No way can I name 22 sheep different names and remember them! Plus they are at a glance difficult to tell apart… But they are different and …

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Timber’s Journey…

We have began a new Journey with our new puppy Peaslee’s Timber of Maple Grove Farm (formerly Nessie of the Shepherdsway Blue Moon Litter) I can hardly believe it has been only a week . Does seem longer only because we have been so busy doing so many new things and just plain settling in …

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Up Dates….

Today We went back to regular herding work… After being off a week. I am still not using Drover except for putting the sheep in the barn at night. His shoulder seems much better, still a bit of a limp. What I have done is stay off the Gator so he does not get on …

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PUPPY NAME!!!! and Update…

As many of you all ready know….Maple Grove Farm has a new member! Her name is “Timber” formerly (Nessie) from Mary Peaslee’s Blue Moon Litter… Belle the dam of this litter is out of Jarratt’s Dallas (my old dog ) I inherited Dallas I guess you could say from Mr. Ed Lynn Jarratt….Dallas was a …

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Farm Dog Lessons…

Ah, Today was a new day on the farm for sure ! Our little Shepway girl took her first gator ride! Well it went okay.. She is not too fond of it yet…But wait she will be like all my dogs…Loving the gator soon! Les did some yard mowing…she thought that not so wonderful either …

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