Category: English Shepherds

Farm Puppy Lessons…

As most of you know, we have a new puppy! Her litter call name is “Nessie” and she is from Mary Peaslee’s Blue Moon Litter … Belle her dam is out of Raven and my Dallas. I was very excited about the posibility of this puppy coming here to live with us. It is much …

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Wood Smoke…

Ah..That wonderful smell of wood smoke hanging in the air…The rise of the fog on the pond …The leaves in full color and the beauty of the falling leaves on the green gass and in the pond. The smoke coming out of the chimney on a cool, damp evening….Yes fall is here! As it should …

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Simply Farm Work!!!

This morning Ernie and I worked his dog Artie…(well Ernie worked Artie on the sheep and I watched!) It is really cool how Artie is starting to catch on and do such a good job! Ernie is working hard with him  and doing a great job! So afterwards I worked Montanna for a few minutes. She …

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Working Dogs…

Today we spent a good portion of our day working dogs on sheep. We started with BOO in the arena gathering up the sheep and penning them. A job that she did very well. BOO is gaining coinfidence and doing a great job! She is easy to work with ! I am thinking of trying …

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Simple Country Pleasures…(3)

Today was “The Cow Sale Day”!!! Every Wednesday the Davadison County Livestock Barn in Lexington holds an Auction . They sell ducks, chickens, turkeys, geese, and all kinds of birds… Plus rabbits…sheep, cows, goats, and such! That  sale starts at 8:00AM …When they finish they have a “Junk Sale”…consisting of whatever folk do not want …

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Simple Country Pleasures (2)

Clay my neighbor, friend, potter and wood cutter has hurt his back… I sure hope and pray it heals soon… Back pain is no fun! So we needed a new source of wood for my wood stove. (Les works and does not have time and  his back is troubling him as well) Saturday Les and I …

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Simple Country Pleasures…(1)

This evening as I sat at the table in my yard looking out at the pond and the beautiful fall folliage, with my 5 dogs around me….Amarillo in one of the chairs (she thinks that is where she belongs) . Drover beside me, Abilene talking her trash, BOO being well BOO, and sweet, sweet Montanna in front …

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Fencing and Wood

We had friends up from Snow Hill NC late yesterday evening. They spent the night with us …and I cooked country ham and eggs with grits and bisquets. Les and I went and picked up a truck load of  fire wood for the house and  put up new fences for the horses. The sheep were …

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Working Dogs Today…

Ernie Borders and his Aussie Artie came up and worked the sheep today…This was their third time this week. Ernie and Artie are making great progress. Artie is developing a stop! His walk up is improving and today some of the work that Ernie and Artie have been doing in parts, started to come together! It …

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Wednesday Evening…(on the farm)

Daily Drover and I put our small Katahdin sheep flock out to graze in the morning…Then in the evening before dark usually we gather the sheep up and put them in the arena for the night. This evening ….it smelled like Fall…leaves and that wonderful earthy smell that I can not describe…but is so distinct….It …

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