Category: English Shepherds


The Amarillo Drove litter are growing like you would want a good garden to! The more you tend, hoe and fertilize it along with sunshine and rain the better it does! The same with this litter… I take them with me everywhere on the farm. They ride the gator (in the crate). Hang out all …

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I trimmed the puppies nails today! Boy was that long overdue! The puppies were out and about all day! In the yard on the porch. Rolling playing sleeping! We went to the sheep pens late this evening and Drover and I gathered sheep and moved them and sorted them ! No rain today! The puppies …

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Drover’s Stockdog Journal…(day 1 Larry Painter Clinic)

The day dawned cool and crisp…You could feel the anticipation of everyone! Dogs and People! Even the sheep! The wind blew and it kept the day from being too hot as it wore on and we worked the sheep. I was learning “things” ! Kay was confusing me and she was confused! Gosh! Was she …

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Drover’s Stock Dog Journal…(day 2)

On the second day of our trip I realized we were no where close to where we were going! We rode and rode and stopped and rode some more! Kay said it was 1100 miles plus! I don’t know what that means except it was LONG and TIRING! Jo Dee was in the back seat …

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Sweet Puppy Fun!!!

I turned the puppies out this afternoon in the yard. What a riot they were! Puppies bouncing , playing, running, rolling, giggling laying in the grass cooling their tummies!  So much fun! Digging in the dirt, pulling on old rugs! Pushing the farm ball all around (it has sheep and cows and other farm animals …

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Drover’s Stockdog Journal…

Saturday Morning dawned bright and warm at Maple Grove Farm…I knew something was up for days…Kay had been preparing to go somewhere and I had a new bandanna. As she loaded up the truck, Diane Swift arrived with Jo Dee and started loading her stuff in the truck as well! Man there was a lot …

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Gator Puppies!!!!

These Puppies Are Something!  They are the friendliest ! Everyone one comes running to me and to anyone that visits! Thanks to Tosha and the children! They are doing a great job of socializing these puppies. I ride them daily on the back of the JD Gator in their crate and they love it! 12 …

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Puppie, Puppies, Everywhere!!!!

I have puppies on my porch! In my yard! On my back step! Coming up my steps! Following me all over the place! When I swing! They do not even turn their heads when I pass by on the Gator or the Lawn Mower (Gator is sick) !  When the dogs bark  they sleep or …

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Drover’s Stock Dog Journal…

Last weekend Kay and I worked the sheep pens for the Linda Rorem Clinic. We had a big turn out! Saturday there were 13 dogs that ran 2 runs! Sunday 12 dogs! Kay was so excited about what she was learning…Gosh she might  make a decent handler!  I think she really did learn some things! …

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Climbing trees

Raina climbing trees!

    Raina, one of our pups who currently lives in New Mexico, loves to climb trees like her Grandma Abilene.   Raina is 10 feet up this tree and she did it all by herself! NOW I NEVER have my camera when Abilene climbs a tree!  But this is “Proof” English Shepherds can and …

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