Category: English Shepherds

Just Now…

We had a nice shower of rain this evening! So feeding and putting the sheep up for the night was delayed till way after dark. The rain cooled the air so that ground was much warmer than the air. As I descended the hill in the pasture to the sheep pens and crossed the terraces, …

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Puppy Up Date!!! Two Weeks Old!!!

These puppies are amazing! They are walking round the room! Going where they please ! In and out of the nest! They have been for 5 days! Amarillo cannot escape them! Tonight when I went in and checked on them they were in Amarillo’s FOOD BOWL !!! Trying to eat her kibble!!!   YES !!! Their …

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Herding Work Shop !!!

We had a great turn out for our Herding Work Shop at Maple Grove Farm! Even though it rained off and on all afternoon. It did not dampen the mood nor the herders! I do not think we noticed the rain till we were through! (Well maybe it kept the people cool!) We started work …

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Interesting Test…

This afternoon as I sat with the puppies while Amarillo took a break, I watched as the puppies sniffed the air, then followed the smell and crawled towards me till they found me. I know they can smell Amarillo, and have been sniffing her out since birth, I knew they did me as well. I …

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Skye Is Watching You

When we built our house we had lots of windows put in because we love the outside and I like to look out and see what is going on in my other world. I saw the dogs dash across the yard and assume their something is gong on out here stance. As I moved to …

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All the puppies are growing like weeds in my garden! FAST! They are so cute and sweet. They have doubled in birth weight in 7 days! at least! This is a fast bunch. Check out the video and you will see what I mean! Tomorrow I work the election! Planted part of the garden today! …

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Our Amarillo puppies are one week old today! They have grown! Yesterday I cut their nails for the first time. All but one puppy was fine with nail cutting! But that one , pitched a wiggling loud fit! Amarillo was worried!  But I finally held the strong little rascal and accomplished my job! Since these …

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Drover’s Stock Dog Journal…

Last night was rough! What can I tell you… Most everything went the wrong direction…The sheep, Kay, Me !!! We have a new fence area in the pasture for the sheep. They are not use to the gates. The Gates are in different locations and that confuses the sheep. Not me ! I know to …

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Up Dates!!!

Abilene, BOO and Sandy are all fine! They are a bit sore in the mouth still and all the swelling has gone down. I can still feel it some but they will be just fine. This afternoon I mowed. The smell of the fresh cut grass and the honeysuckle that is in full bloom along …

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Three Dogs Snake Bit!!!

In my video section you can see a short video of the snake bite action today. I did not know my dogs were on a snake when I took this. I first thought  it might be a possum.(BOO’s bark was this is bad but I am not sure what it is!) But BOO was bitten …

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