Category: English Shepherds

Three Dogs Snake Bit!!!

In my video section you can see a short video of the snake bite action today. I did not know my dogs were on a snake when I took this. I first thought  it might be a possum.(BOO’s bark was this is bad but I am not sure what it is!) But BOO was bitten …

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Honeysuckle and Puppies…

That sweet, sweet heavenly smell of honeysuckle in bloom greeted me every time I went in or out of the house or the whelping room last night. They are in full bloom and make me feel all most dunk when I smell them. I would turn Amarillo out to potty and she would disappear into …

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PUPPIES ALL 12 Arrived April 28th! ON TIME!

Amarillo spent Friday night in the house with me. About 5 AM I put her in the Whelping Room because she was nesting. Usually that means puppies are on their way in about 3 to 6 hours. Sure enough the first puppy arrived at 9:10 AM quickly followed by 3 more! The first 4 puppies …

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Drover’s Stock Dog Journal…

I have been trying real hard to please Kay, and work the sheep. I think I am starting to understand what she wants and needs me to do. For one thing Kay is being quiet with her commands and consistent so I am not confused. Our work has become interesting, I have 11 lambs to …

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NOT LONG!!!!!!!!!

I have not been a steady blogger lately. I am sorry… I just have been so caught up in so many different things I have not felt like I had the heart for it. Plus there is just “something” about tax time that hurts! grin! As you know we are getting ready for our Linda …

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Amarillo is due the 28th, and believe me when I say she is getting big! “The Baby Bump” Is now “On My Goodness Amarillo is going to have Puppies!!!!” She is doing well and still eating fine. No nesting yet! But her mucus plug is coming out. So I expect the Stork to be right …

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Skye’s Help Today

Today was worming day on the farm.     We have around 40 head of cattle and calves, it is a 2 person 2 dog operation.   Usually we have the dogs just stay back while we handle the cattle because the cows do not take kindly to the dogs when they have calves by …

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Skye and the Big Cat

Having had English Shepherd’s for many years, I have had so many experiences with abilities and instincts and had them on many occasions alert us of danger.   So when Skye came to us, I often wondered if he would develop this trait of protecting his pack.   I got my answer just as Skye was about …

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The sky was light blue this evening and a light wind out of the west was blowing softly as I crossed the dam. All of a sudden on the breeze I caught the most heavenly smell. Sweet and wonderful….Blackberries! Yes they are in bloom and have been since middle of March! The pond had waves …

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The Smell of Clover…

This evening the air was still and kind of heavy feeling. The sky was pink at sunset. As I crossed the fields to feed, I kept smelling something faintly sweet and pleasant. But I thought what could it be? It was not quite like honeysuckle not that sweet and heavy but kinda like it. Only …

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