Category: English Shepherds


The last Ewe to lamb, lambed last night! We have TWINS! Both are  girls! And all the Flock is doing well! We had 7 Ewes and they had 4 sets of twins and 3 singles. Total 11 Lambs!!! 3 Boys! 8 Girls! Now I like that!!! They are all such nice lambs, and gaining weight …

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The Smell of Fresh Milk…

As a young child I think my first memory of milking cows was at age three. I vividly remember the cows coming into the dairy milking parlor…feeding the sweet smelling feed (my job) and the sound of the milking machines milking. Of Grandma and Grandpa talking, the radio playing a local station in Asheboro, (very …

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No Lamb Yet!!!!

All day one of my last 2 ewes yet to lamb has been laying around and breathing heavy! I thought for sure she would lamb this afternoon…But as my Sweet Grandma use to say “the apple is not ripe!” Law from the looks of the ewe I do not know how she could last much …

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Skye’s Watchful Eye

Well here I am back already.   Just finished with the mowing around the house.   Ed and cows did the barn area this morning it was interesting to watch from the window and see how Skye relates to the cows without either of us their for support or direction.    It is a test, to …

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Hello and Thank you Kay

I would like to thank Kay for this opportunity to blog with her.   I am very fortunate to have found Kay and her breeding program.    My husband Ed and I have had English Shepherds for many many years.  Living on a working cattle farm makes it imperative to have dogs that you can trust and …

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Guest Blogger…

From time to time we will feature a Guest Blogger… I would like to introduce to you all my good friend Pat Justus! Pat lives in Virginia, on a cattle farm, with her husband Ed and their dogs and various animals. Pat is an excellent photographer, loves to dance, travel , and is an all …

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The Wonder of Life…

Stinging tears hit my eyes as I write the title of this blog…The absolute amazement and pure excitement and total incomprehensiveness of “life” …I really have no words to describe what I have experienced over the last four days. Yes I was raised on a farm…I saw cows born, cats born, pigs born…horses, and dogs…I …

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Sunday Lamb!!!!

I woke to “Bahaa, Bahaa,” I knew in my sleep A ewe was lambing! I had been dreaming it as well! Guess my subconscious was saying “Wake up Kay! A lamb is on the way!!!!!” And boy was it! I went to the barn, her water had just broke and she was looking for her …

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SMART DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My dogs are outside dogs for the most part. I will bring them in if there is a storm, or it is terrible cold, or one is sick…Then sometimes they get to come in and visit…. We had a rough storm this evening. Les and I were in the living room talking and I was …

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New Lamb!!!!!

WOW! Another new Lamb was born today about 7:00PM ! There was a bad storm coming about 6:00PM and I was getting my 4 Ewes up. I noticed Red Belle was down in the field. When I went down to where she was her water had just broke! There was no way I could allow …

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